10:19 AM

The day 'I' came to life

As I dwelled in the cul-de-sac, perpetual darkness prevailed. Often frightened, I looked for an ‘Exit’; that too was locked. I tried to kick that open, but to no avail.

In the hour of midnight, when the Sun was busy preening itself in front of the mirror, and the Moon was preoccupied, flirting with the stars. I finally attained independence (at least that is what I thought) after 9 months in confinement, without any fault of mine.
I could sue them the under juvenile laws, but had a change of heart.

Already jaded, with freedom fighting and suffused with sticky substances, I knocked out of the womb. While, the audiences waited with bated breath, to my embarrassment, I was pulled out naked. The masses cheered, admiring my unscathed body. Then started a series of physical harassment and semi-rapes. The homophobic doctor was the first, followed by the nurse, who spanked my bums twice.
I winked at her, nobody noticed.
 Next, I was introduced to a gentleman (my dad-to-be), who was celebrating his juvenilia. (Later, I found out, he was one of the two main culprits and I was the repercussion of the crime).

The nurse avowed, “Congratulations! It’s a boy, 7 kilos”
You bitch! Aren’t you the same person, who had a one-moment-fling with me, just a moment ago?”
**Lesson learnt: Beauty is bound to be treasonous. **

  • 7 kilos’ at that age meant over-weight.
  • The word, ‘It’ reduced me to a caricatured version of broiler chicken.

The worst part of the day was yet to come. The relatively unknown, relatives were conspiring a formal ‘orgy’. I wanted to vamoose, but was still paralyzed.
Draupadi at least had a long lasting and highly stretchable Saree, but I was openly accessible.

The molestation continued throughout the night and I lost my virginity, the very first day I stepped out.  
 Continuation- 'I' attain mobility


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